Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Best book on montessori method - revievs

Title: The Discovery of the Child

A kid learns form the Montessori environment, which contains the teacher who becomes a facilitator of the child’s learning.

TITLE: The Scientist in the Crib: What Early Learning Tells Us About the Mind

BOOK REVIEW: This novel reveals the awesome learning power of the head and how young children learn from their parents. This exciting novel by three innovators in the brand new area of cognitive science discusses important discoveries about how much young children and infants know and learn, and how much parents naturally instruct them. It claims that evolution designed us both to educate and study, and the drive is our most significant instinct. In addition, it shows as fascinating insights about our adult capabilities and how even young children — grownups as well as — use some of precisely the same processes that enable scientists to learn about the planet. Filled with surprise at every turn, this graphic, lucid, and often humorous book gives us a new view of the inner life of kids along with the puzzles of the mind.

TITLE: Endangered Minds: Why Children Don’t Think And What We Can Do About It

AUTHOR: Jane M. Healy. BOOK REVIEW: This publication looks at the neuroscience to explain how in our current culture the media – TV, video games, etc. affect the minds and concentration abilities of the children of today. In addition, it offers suggestions on how we can help our children to eventually become good students via a young age. This supports Montessori theory of how experiences impact kids’s brain development.

Title: Understanding the Human Being (The Importance of the First Three Years of Life)

Author: Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. Publication Overview: This novel is an extremely recommended Montessori book that makes a great gift to any expecting mom. It explains, from a health perspective, the development of infants and what could be done to help their development. It's simple to read and useful for any parent to better comprehend their baby.

Title: How to Raise an Amazing Child (The Montessori way to bring up caring, confident children)

The author also clarifies the Montessori approach and discusses if Montessori is the right one for you and your child. It discusses the best way to help your child become independent, nourish that exploratory and interesting nature of the child, and beginning to teach them mathematics, reading and writing at home with ideas for simple activities that one can do with their particular kids.

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